
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Game Report: A Feast of Crows

This week, I met up with a SAGA gamer through the Studio Tomahawk forum who lives relatively close to me.  For those who live in a game store laden metropolitan area, "close" means someone who shares this rather obscure hobby within an hour's drive.

With three people playing, we went for the Feast of Crows scenario, slightly modifying the starting deployment. I fielded my Scots, my first time playing the faction, while my two opponents went with the Normans and the Welsh.  If one wants to be historical, its an encounter that could take place in Northumbria in the 1070s or 1080s, as the Normans pushed the boundaries of their English conquests.

Above, after the first turn, my Scots move into cover with Normans to the left and Welsh to the right.

The first encounter takes place between the Normans and Welsh, as a group of Sergeants get pelted by Welsh javelins.  

On the other side of the field, Norman knights take a hit from the Scot Levy javelins as they bear down on a unit of Thanes.

The Thanes were wiped out by the Knights, with me losing three of the Scots for two Knights.  Above, I pull up a unit of Soer-Chele to assist the levy. 

The Scot Warlord and Thanes turn back the Welsh Warlord and mounted Teulu without a single loss. 

The Norman player's collection of defeated models, winning with the most victory points. My quick after-analysis says that Norman win was because the player took advantage of their two strengths - they are "shooty" and heavily armored. I like the Normans for the same reason. Despite my second place finish, I feel good about the Scots and plan to use them again, but perhaps with a bow levy instead of a javelin levy.  They are very defensive, which suits my play style very well, but with some nasty abilities such as Hold the Ground and Give Ground, both very devastating if used correctly.  

Thanks to The Battlegrounds in Dalton, Georgia for letting us use their space.  I am sure we looked odd amongst the Yugioh and Magic players, but their stock of board games and RPGs was top notch. Their racks of vintage NES, Sega and Playstation games was temptingly nostalgic, and I plan to pick some up the next time I am in there.  I look forward to more battles with my new friend, and possibly converting some of the curious teens who wandered over to our table into wargamers. 


  1. Please put the curious teenagers under the spell of SAGA, it is way cheaper than MTG and Yugioh you will be doing them a favour, oh and you might end up with the odd opponent too.

  2. Nice looking game and figures. Saga is a great rule set to get folks into wargaming. Best, Dean

  3. Lovely report and game, congrats!

  4. Thanks for the comment, everyone! In general, I feel that the hobby takes generally advertises itself - people find their way into historical gaming if that's their inclination. But I probably should get some extra plastic Vikings and Normans to keep in my classroom and see if my students who are into Magic and RPGs will be willing to give it a try.
